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Final Fantasy 7 Any% No Slots Notes

Disclaimer: I didn’t make these notes to be very fast. Personally I had zero interest in manipulating the step counter or getting super optimized with the battle menuing in order to make some of the riskier strats work. I prioritized consistency and ease of execution for all of the challenging fights. I also left out all the “paralyze dodge” stuff because the risk of soft locking didn’t sound appealing. Yuffie is an incredibly slow character because of all the added cutscenes but I kinda just routed her in for fun.

General Notes:

  • Soft reset: L1 L2 R1 R2 Start Select (it doesn’t seem to work in battle for some reason)

  • You should have fast disc speed turned on in the ps2 bios, it resets every time you turn the system off

Manipulating ATB:

  • When ATB is set to wait, you can pause both the player and enemy ATB gauges by opening a menu

  • Normally, ATB gauges fill during the first part of attack animations.

  • However, when you have all your moves queued and are waiting for them to play out, your ATB meters are paused and won’t refill.

  • The idea is to input your move, and have another party member open a menu, pausing the enemy’s ATB gauge while the battle queue runs through.

  • When there’s nothing left in the battle queue, you can close the menu to resume ATB, and repeat.

  • This process significantly slows down the enemies’ attacks, and is necessary to get through difficult fights like demon’s gate.

Disc 1

Timing starts when you select NEW GAME

Reactor 1


	Cursor: Memory
	ATB: Active
	Battle speed: Fast
	Battle message: Fast
	Field message: Fast

Note: Setting ATB to active helps you run away from fights faster. On wait, your “escape gauge” pauses during enemy attacks.

Talk to the guard on the floor twice for 2 potions

First fight

  • Attack both guards (hold circle to menu quickly)

Talk to biggs

Talk to biggs
Talk to jessie

Note: Unless otherwise noted, run away from every random encounter in the game (hold L1 + R1)

Hit the elevator switch

Pick up restore at the end of the reactor

Guard Scorpion

800HP Lv. 12

Cloud Buster Sword, Bronze Bangle
Barret Gatling Gun, Bronze Bangle

Cloud bolt
Barret attack
Don’t attack while it’s tail is up
When you get barret or clouds limit, use it

Note: For the first part of this run you’re trying to use braver eight times to upgrade it to cross slash.

Grab the potion

Talk to jessie

Talk to jessie
Talk to biggs

Grab potion

Aerith dialog prompt: top

Guard dialog prompts: bottom (Later!)

Talk to jessie in the train

  • From the start of the room hold down, and tap right just before the train guards

After the cutscene walk up towards barret
After the train walk left to sector 7

Sector 7

Exit and reenter the screen (this lets you enter the bar faster)

Enter seventh heaven
After talking to tifa try to leave
Use the pinball machine to get into the hideout
Walk left into the cutscene
Leave the hideout

The next day:
Leave the hideout
Talk to barret
Skip the materia tutorial

Go to the weapon shop

Go to the second floor

Grab the all materia

Ether from chest

Go to the first floor



	31 grenades (dpad up 3 times)

Note: This puts grenades at the top of your inventory for faster menuing later


	Remove Ice (remove with triangle)

Exit top right

Guard skip

Part 1:

  • After entering the screen move right
  • Line up the point of cloud’s hair with the rock on the floor

  • Hold cross
  • Hold down, run all the way into the guard
  • Release cross (he should sort of step into the guard)
  • Tap R1
  • Release down

Tap left and right to nudge cloud into the right spot. He should be facing right and you should see about 2 pixels of clouds’s arm to the right of the guard

Part 2:

  • Hold cross
  • Hold down right
  • After he’s moved into the corner, release cross
  • After the wiggle, release down right
  • Hold left
  • Simultaneously tap R1 and release left

Repeat part 2 until you clip past the guard.
Then just run down left to trigger the loading zone

Press select to turn on the arrow indicators

Go right to wall market

Wall Market

Go right to the honeybee inn
Talk to person in the red shirt
Dialog prompt: top (You know a girl named Tifa?)

Exit left
Go north 2 screens to don corneo’s mansion
Talk to person in front of the doors

Go south 2 screens
Talk to the materia shop owner

Dialog prompt: top (What is it?)
Dialog prompt: top (I’ll go)

Talk to the person in the dress shop

Go to the restaurant

Sit down on the stool
Buy a meal (it doesn’t matter which)
Dialog prompt: middle (It was all right)

Go to the pharmacy

Dialog prompt: bottom (digestive)

Go to the inn

Stay the night
Vending machine prompt: 2nd (Buy the one for 200 Gil)

Go to the materia shop
Go north one screen

Go to the bar

Talk to the dress shop owner on the right
Dialog prompt: bottom (That feels soft)
Dialog prompt: bottom (That shimmers)

Talk to the woman in the bathroom
Dialog prompt: top (Give her medicine)

Go south one screen
Go to the dress shop
Talk to the person behind the counter

Go north one screen
Go to the gym

Talk to the person in the middle
Dialog prompt: bottom (I got it)
Dialog prompt bottom (don’t need practice)

Squats Minigame:

  • square cross circle

Go south one screen
Go to the dress shop
Enter the changing room

Go north two screens
Talk to the person in front of the door

Don Corneo’s Mansion

Go up the stairs
Enter the door on the far left
Tifa cutscene
Talk to tifa
Grab the ether
Go back up the stairs
Enter the door in the middle
Go to the side of corneo’s desk
Grab the hyper behind corneo’s bed
Talk to corneo on the right side of the bed
Dialog prompt: bottom (Umm……)
Dialog prompt: bottom (Yes, his name’s Barret…)


Talk to tifa
Talk to aerith


1800HP Lv. 18

Cloud Buster Sword, Bronze Bangle
Aerith Guard Stick, Bronze Bangle
Tifa Leather Glove, Bronze Bangle

Everyone use grenades
cloud use a limit break if he has one

Note: for the first turn, you can hold up and circle to buffer item > grenade
For the rest of the turns, you can hold circle to perfectly input the same action.

Grab the steal materia

Train Graveyard

Hi potion on top of train
left down the ramp
Potion inside train
Potion at the end of the screen

Hi potion on top of train

Support Pillar

You can walk past jessie
At the top, talk to barret


1000HP Lv. 17

Cloud Buster Sword, Bronze Bangle
Tifa Leather Glove, Bronze Bangle
Barret Gatling Gun, Bronze Bangle

Ignore the person that gets put into a pyramid
The remaining two people use grenades

Talk to tifa
Examine the console

Move down left, barret should move next to the zipline
Move into barret to get onto the zipline

Sector 5

South one screen

Note: Be careful on the screen before the sector 5 slums, if you get in an encounter bandits can steal important items.

Top right exit to go to aerith’s house

Aerith cutscene
Leave the house

Grab the cover materia and ether in the garden

Enter the shop


	Everything except for grenades


	41 grenades

Note: You need at least 1300 gil for wall market shopping

Wall Market

Go to the materia shop

	1 cover materia

Go to the weapon shop

Buy the batteries from the bottom left counter
Exit the shop

Go north
Follow the kids to the right

The Wall

!! Do not forget to buy the batteries !!

Talk to the kid in front of the cable

Note: The cue to jump to the cable is when you hear the squeak sound

Shinra Building


	ATB Wait


	Cloud back
	Tifa back
	Barret back


  • Party members in the back row receive half the damage from physical attacks, and deal half damage with physical attacks.

  • Certain characters are “long range” (barret, yuffie, and vincent). They do not have their physical attacks reduced in the back row.

  • Because everyone’s throwing grenades for the near future, and grenades aren’t physical attacks, we put everyone in the back row for free damage reduction.

  • Equipping a character with the long range materia removes the damage reduction on close range characters in the back row.

Go to the left to take the stairs

Grab the elixir

After exiting the stairs run to the right

Mighty Grunts

200HP Lv. 12

Cloud Buster Sword, Bronze Bangle
Tifa Leather Glove, Bronze Bangle
Barret Gatling Gun, Bronze Bangle

Each party member should throw a grenade at a different enemy
Then just hold circle for everyone to throw a second grenade to end the fight

Notes: When the mighty grunt’s red armor breaks, their atb resets. It’s better to break all of their armor at the same time to prevent them from getting another attack.

Enter the elevator on the right
Select floor 60
Talk to tifa and barret

Bad stealth section
Second half:
Cross the first gap when the guards are on the right

Cross the second and third when the guards are moving this way

Floor 61:
Talk to the person at the bottom
Dialog prompt: bottom (……)
Take the elevator to floor 64

Check this shelf

Answer the password for the elemental materia:

BEST - 2 Economic report: Space Dev Program
KING - 1 Results of failed space mission "YA-79"
BOMB - 1 Breakdown of SOLDIER members by class
MAKO - 10 New plans for urban planning

Midgar model:
Enter the topleft room
bottom chest
Go to the center model
Examine the front missing chunk

The order of the rest of the pieces doesn’t matter.

Take the stairs to floor 66
Bathroom in top left
Dialog prompt: middle (Climb up?)
Dpad down to move through the vent

Follow hojo up the stairs to floor 67
Bio materia chest


	Add Restore


	Barret cure everyone in the menu


	Remove Restore

Safety save

Dialog prompt: Bottom (Barret, take care of her!)

Sample H0512

1000HP Lv. 19

Cloud Buster Sword, Bronze Bangle
Tifa Leather Glove, Bronze Bangle
Barret Gatling Gun, Bronze Bangle

Everyone use grenades on Sample H0512 (it’s in the back row)
Stall ATB

Enemy skill materia in the glass container


	ATB Active


	Red XIII back

Backtrack to the stairs
Go down to floor 66
Enter the elevator at the bottom of the screen

Prison Cells:
Move in front of the door
Dialog prompt: bottom (Let’s see how Aerith is doing)
Move in front of the door
Dialog prompt: bottom (Let’s just get some sleep)

Leave the cell
Check the dead guard
Talk to tifa
Talk to tifa near the dead guard
Talk to barret
Talk to barret near the dead guard
Talk to tifa

Go to the left through the lab
Ride the elevator at the top of the screen
Follow the blood trail

Shinra president cutscene
Exit through the north door

After cloud leaves the party:
Remove materia from cloud and tifa
Go to the elevator at the bottom

Hundred Gunner + Heli Gunner

1600HP Lv. 18 1000HP Lv. 19

Aerith Guard Stick, Bronze Bangle
Barret Gatling Gun, Bronze Bangle
Red XIII Mythril Clip, Mythril Armlet

Everyone use grenades
Use red and barret’s limit on heli gunner

Use a hyper on cloud

Rufus + Dark Nation

500HP Lv. 21 140HP Lv. 18

Cloud Buster Sword, Bronze Bangle

Braver dark nation
If it’s still alive attack

Throw grenades at rufus
After you get your limit again use it on rufus

Go to the doorway on the right
Go down the stairs


	Mythril Armlet


	Add Restore
	Add Ice
	Add Lightning
	Add Poison


	Add Fire

Safety save
Talk to tifa

Aerith’s group:
Walk south towards the door

Bike Minigame:
Triangle to open the menu


	Cloud front
	Tifa front
	Barret front

Note: The motor ball fight is a back attack, so this will put them in the “back row” for that fight

Close out of the menu with cross
Start to begin

Mash sword (square or circle)
Try to have three red bikes by killing the other colors. they will avoid your sword slashes so you won’t have to worry about them.

Motor Ball

2600HP Lv. 19

Cloud Buster Sword Mythril Armlet
Tifa Leather Glove Bronze Bangle
Barret Gatling Gun Bronze Bangle

Cloud bolt
Tifa grenade
Barret grenade

Note: You can prevent motor ball from using rolling fire by damaging him below 325hp, which makes him jump back to an earlier part of his ai script. You should hold circle to input your attacks quickly.


	Cloud back
	Tifa back
	Barret back

Try to leave the screen
Dialog prompt: bottom (let’s go!)


	Cloud Tifa Barret



Enter the inn
Go upstairs
Talk to the group


Dragon fight:
Let sephiroth kill the dragon
Hopefully the dragon doesn’t hit cloud, it will cause sephiroth to waste turns casting life2 on him

Move to the center of town
Follow sephiroth into the inn
Go up the stairs
Talk to sephiroth twice
Dialog prompt: bottom (let’s get some sleep)

Talk to sephiroth
Talk to tifa on the bridge

Go upright to the cave entrance
Through the cave
Enter the reactor
Close the valve on the left tank
Talk to sephiroth twice

Dialog prompt: don’t rest

Go upstairs, right exit
Enter the secret passage
Down the spiral stairs
Sephiroth cutscene
Leave the room

Return to the hidden library
Sephiroth cutscene
Leave the mansion
Enter the house on the right

Tifa cutscene
Talk to tifa
Go to the jenova chamber

Leave kalm


Safety save outside kalm
Southeast to the swamp

Zolom Skip

Stand here, so the zolom will aim towards you. then move behind the corner of the mountain

After the zolom bounces, follow behind it
Angle the camera with L1 or R1 so that the zolom will not bounce off the mountain in front of you

Once the zolom is about to run into the corner, run right towards the cave entrance

The zolom should try to to follow you right, but get stuck on the mountains in the corner and you can make it safely across

You can also bring up the menu when you walk into the cutscene trigger to skip it

Mythril Mine

Right one screen
Climb up the roots
grab long range materia

Go down one screen
Go left one screen


Safety save before entering junon


Shop (top of screen)

	Star Pendant
	Protect Vest
	Guard Source


	Grenades (35 total)
	8 Potions


	Cure to heal everyone to full

Go south to the beach


2500HP Lv. 23

Cloud Buster Sword Mythril Armlet
Tifa Leather Glove Bronze Bangle
Barret Gatling Gun Bronze Bangle

Cloud bio

After bottomswell is poisoned:
Everyone use grenades

After water polo:
Cloud use bolt or tifa use fire on the water polo
You have to select the waterpolo, not the character trapped by it.

Resume throwing grenades to finish the fight


  • If bottomswell doesn’t get poisoned for 5+ turns use potions to heal
  • You can pay attention to bottomswell’s animation to know when he switches to his second and third phase
  • Water polo happens at the start of the third phase
  • You can press select during battles to see enemy names when you’re targeting attacks if you’re having trouble selecting the water polo.

CPR minigame:
When the meter rises one “tick”, that’s one breath
After cloud stops shaking his head is when you can press square again
Nine breaths four times
Five breaths to finish

Go to the house near the bottom of the screen
Dialog prompt: bottom (let’s rest)

Leave the house
Go up the stairs to priscilla’s house
Go to the beach
Talk to priscilla
Dialog prompt: middle (sure)

Dolphin jumping:
Press square without moving
If you do this twice you will land on the platform

Upper Junon

Take the lift down
Go to the locker rooms
Examine the open locker
Dialog prompt: bottom (Change)
Talk to the red uniform person
Dialog prompt: bottom (All clear!)

Safety save in the hallway

Go into the alleyway
Marching minigame:

  • When the commander says “charge”, hold down and cross. you will bump into the guards and then continue running when they walk past you

  • When you get stopped a second time, stand still, and wait for the guards in the back row to catch up

  • After the guards in the back row catch up to you, hold left to keep marching. You need to be lined up with them or you won’t be able to get any points

  • Mash circle pretty fast. you get 3% every time you close a text box

Ideally you should get 50% approval rating to get 5000 gil

It’s not the end of the world if you get between 40-49%, as you get 6 ethers instead which you can sell for 4500 gil

Otherwise reload your save and try again, as you won’t have enough money to get into the gold saucer later. This is probably the fastest way to get the money.

Rufus cutscene

Minigame tutorial
dialog prompt: bottom (I’ve got it!)

Go to the door next to the alleyway
Item shop

	1 Hi Potion
	1 Phoenix Down
	1 Hyper
	6 Tranquilizers (5 if you got 6 ethers from the marching minigame)

Exit the shop
Door to the left
Talk to the guard that’s blocking the door in the back
Go down to the basement
Pick up the enemy skill materia

Exit the building
Go left five screens to the cargo ship

Performance minigame:

  • You’re trying to get the force stealer, which is the reward for 100+ points.
  • Once you get 110 points stop, apparently you can overflow the counter.
  • At the end press cross to use the finisher
  • I think a good backup weapon if you miss this is to get the rune blade in mount nibel, which is in a chest on the first screen.

Get on the cargo ship

Ether chest

Go above deck
Talk to tifa (climb ladder)
Talk to red at the top of the ship

Go below deck
Talk to aerith
Dialog prompt: bottom (I dunno…)
Talk to aerith again

Go above deck
Go to front of the ship
Talk to barret
Go to the middle of the boat




	Hyper on cloud
	Tranquilizer on tifa and aerith


	Force Stealer
	Power Wrist


	Add Shiva


	Replace Fire with Steal


  • The steal materia gives tifa +2 dexterity, which increases her chances of landing a deathblow. Deathblow divides “atk%” by three, so any boost is helpful. Dexterity also makes your atb gauge fill slightly faster.

  • The shiva materia causes cloud to take more damage, meaning his limit will charge faster.

  • Characters with sadness take 1/3rd less damage, but charge their limit breaks at a slower rate

  • Characters with fury take more damage, but charge their limit faster

Go below deck


4000HP Lv.25

Cloud Force Stealer, Mythril Armlet, Power Wrist
Tifa Leather Glove, Bronze Bangle
Aerith Guard Stick, Bronze Bangle

Cloud limit
Tifa grenade
Aerith grenade

Keep using cloud’s limit during this fight, he should get it quickly from the laser attack.
If cloud doesn’t have a limit, use a grenade instead

Use aerith’s healing wind limit to heal when everyone’s at half health

Dialog prompt: bottom (Too much trouble)


	Cure to heal everyone to full

Leave the room

Costa Del Sol

Enter the door after the bridge

Go to the basement

Power source
Motor drive
Fire ring

Leave the building

Go down the stairs
Underneath the bridge to exit


Mount Corel

Mash circle to jump over the hole in the tracks without falling

Hit the switch to lower the bridge
Go back one screen

Try to steal a right arm from the bombs

  • Attempt to steal two times before running away
  • It’s not a huge deal if you don’t have one, it just makes dyne free

North Corel

Talk to barret
Weapon shop

Note: You need at least 3000 gil before going to gold saucer


	Motor Drive
	Ethers (all of them)




	28 Molotovs

Dialog prompt: bottom (don’t get on)
Walk onto the tram anyway

Golden Saucer

Talk to the person at the entrance
Buy the single pass

Enter the main room
Talk to tifa
Go with tifa

Go to wonder square
Cait sith joins party


	Fire Ring

Cait Sith:

	Bronze Bangle


	Silver Armlet
	Power Wrist


	Add Long Range

Arrange > Exchange:

	Tifa's Armor > Cait Sith's Weapon


	Add Enemy Skill
	Add Enemy Skill


	Cait Sith back

Go to battle square

Corel Prison

Be cautious of encounters, burglars can steal important items

Note: Because we already equipped the fire ring and the power wrist, they can’t be stolen. only items in your inventory can.

Enter the house

Barret cutscene


	Cloud Tifa Barret


	Tranquilizer on Barret
	Arrange > Most


	ATB Wait

Note: Arranging the items puts molotovs at the top of our inventory for faster menuing.

Exit the building from the left door
North one screen
North, go through the fence to the left exit
Go right one screen, cutting through the fence

Before exiting the screen with the tractor, get an encounter

Death Claws

Cloud braver the first one
Barret throws a grenade to kill it
Tifa manipulate the second one
Manipulate the enemy to use laser on cloud
Cloud use braver
Use a grenade to finish the fight

Note: If there’s a bullmotor in the back, you can kill it with a molotov+grenade

Note: When learning enemy skills, you must win the fight in order to learn the skill

Note: Laser is basically gravity. It does half of the target’s current hp in damage, which is useful on some fights and also for getting tifa into critical hp without killing her.


	Cure to heal everyone to full


Barret Gatling Gun, Bronze Bangle

If you managed to steal the right arm, use it to win the fight

Otherwise use 3 molotovs
Heal with a hi potion
Throw the last molotov to kill

Note: The hi potion is to protect you from dyne’s final move proccing a crit.

Elevator dialog prompt: bottom (Not interested)
Pick up the ramuh materia

Advance through the text
Wait for all the npcs to leave the screen
Talk to ester
Dialog prompt: bottom (Yeah, I got it)

Chocobo racing:

  • Press select to change to manual
  • Hold down R1 and R2 for infinite stamina
  • Hold down square to go fast
  • After you get past the “rainbow road” hold down both square and circle
  • At the end of the race press start to end it after the 2nd chocobo finishes



	Tranquilizer on cloud


	Cure to heal everyone to full

Safety save

Note: We have barret in the party because he has enough hp to survive aqualung

Drive around the desert to get an encounter


Throw 2 molotovs
If anyone falls below 400hp use a potion on them
Wait for him to use aqualung on party
Use a grenade to finish the fight

todo: I don’t know why tifa had less than 400hp in my last run. She survived with 1 hp which was extremely lucky.


	Barret > Aerith


	Cure to heal everyone to full

Avoiding overworld encounters with the buggy:

  • Every second or two, exit and enter the buggy (cross and then circle). This resets the steps counter and you’ll never cross the threshold needed to get an encounter on the overworld.

Drive along the beach to get an encounter


Tifa manipulate
Manipulate to cast big guard on cloud
Cloud aqualung to finish the fight

Cosmo Canyon

Talk to the person in front of the town
Dialog prompt: bottom (no)

Go to the inn behind the campfire
Enter the room on the second floor
grab the elixir

Use the elixir on cloud to restore his mp

Note: You should still have 1 elixir left for the boss

Leave the building
Climb the ladder to the right

Item shop

	Tranquilizers (4 total)
	Soft (1 total)

Note: The soft is just a backup in case demon’s gate petrifies someone. I think white wind would be able to cure that as well.

Talk to red
Climb up to the observatory
Talk to red

Backtrack down the ladder
Enter the room on the right
talk to caith sith
Add people to the party

Note: This party doesn’t really matter, it’s just for the cutscene. you pick another party before entering the cave of the gi.

Go to the observatory

Go to the campfire in the center of town
Talk to barret
Talk to tifa
Talk to aerith
Talk to red


	Tifa on the bottom slot

Stand on the save point outside the weapon shop

	Tranquilizer on red

Safety save

Climb the stairs to the gate of naught
Talk to bugenhagen
Dialog prompt: top (yeah)

Cave of the Gi

Break open the rock (it’s the one closest to the exit)

North one screen

You need to learn death sentence as an enemy skill

Sneaky Steps or Gi Spector

If you’re lucky they will cast death sentence on cloud
Otherwise manipulate with tifa
Cloud aqualung to kill them


  • If you don’t have cross slash you can limit break here too. There isn’t really a good place to farm them past here.

  • These enemies can drop M-Tentacles. If you get one, use it on palmer in rocket town.


	Cure to heal everyone to full


	Remove Enemy Skill
	Remove Enemy Skill


	Add Enemy Skill


	Add Enemy Skill

First Stinger

2200HP Lv. 25

Cloud Force Stealer, Mythril Armlet, Fire Ring
Red Mythril Clip, Mythril Armlet
Tifa Leather Glove, Silver Armlet, Power Wrist

Tifa laser
Red laser
After that use 2 molotovs to end the fight


Cure to heal everyone to full

Second Stinger

2200HP Lv. 25

Cloud Force Stealer, Mythril Armlet, Fire Ring
Red Mythril Clip, Mythril Armlet
Tifa Leather Glove, Silver Armlet, Power Wrist

Tifa laser
Red laser
After that use 2 molotovs to end the fight

Gi Nattak

5500HP Lv. 29

Cloud Force Stealer, Mythril Armlet, Fire Ring
Red Mythril Clip, Mythril Armlet
Tifa Leather Glove, Silver Armlet, Power Wrist

Use an elixir on gi nattak

Grab the gravity materia


	Cloud Tifa Cait Sith


	ATB Active

Leave cosmo canyon


Avoid encounters with the buggy


Enter the building

Talk to the black robe person in the back for an elixir

Top right exit of the town

Mount Nibel

Note: Get rune blade if you didn’t get the force stealer

Enter the pipe with a 2 on it
Grab the powersoul

Stand on the save point


	ATB Wait


	Reset limit


	Tranquilizer on everyone
	Power Source on Tifa


	Cure to heal everyone to full




	Silver Armlet

Cait Sith:

	Mythril Armlet



Arrange > Exchange

	Move enemy skill from red to cait sith's weapon

Safety save

Note: All cloud’s materia just raises his magic stat in hopes that he does close to 99 damage.

Materia Keeper

8400HP Lv. 38

Cloud Force Stealer, Silver Armlet, Fire Ring
Tifa Powersoul, Silver Armlet, Power Wrist
Cait Sith Yellow M-Phone, Mythril Armlet

Stall ATB with every turn

Heal with hi-potions (i’m unsure if you have any from enemy drops here)

Cait Sith big guard
Tifa transform > mini on herself

Keep casting mini until it’s successful

Cloud bio materia keeper.

If materia keeper was not poisoned, use a potion on him and try to bio again.

After poison:
The goal is to deal exactly 99 damage ignoring poison ticks
Whatever damage cloud did, tifa needs to make up the rest of it.
Tifa can do 1 damage with a normal attack while mini
You can also use death sentence on her to do 4 damage


  • Big Guard casts haste, barrier, and magic barrier on everyone in the party. Most of the time it’s used for haste to effectively slow the enemies down by letting you attack faster.

  • Poison should do 262 damage each tick. After two ticks it will do 524. adding the 99 damage brings it to 623. Materia keeper’s hp is 8400, which subtracting 623 equals 7777

  • When a player (or enemy) is at 7777 hp, every attack they do will deal 7777 damage. However, poison will also inflict 7777 damage. So materia keeper will die at the next tick of poison damage.

Pick up counter attack materia

Cait Sith:

	Cure to heal everyone


Cait Sith:

	Remove Everything


	Remove Everything
	Add Enemy Skill
	Add Restore


Rocket Town

Item shop

Note: you need at least 8000 gil left

Note: In shera’s house there’s a drill arm which you can sell for 1650 gil. You can look at the rocket with the old man outside the item shop for the yoshiyuki, which sells for 2100 gil.


	Bronze Bangles
	Leather glove
	Jem Ring
	Wizer Staff




	11 Potions
	12 Hi potions
	21 Phoenix Downs
	 2 Ethers
	11 Hypers
	31 Tranquilizers
	 5 Tents

If anyone died during Materia keeper, revive them and use a tranquilizer on them

Go to shera’s house

Go to the backyard
Tiny bronco cutscene
Leave the house

Climb the rocket
Talk to cid
Dialog prompt: top

Safety save on the world map

Back to shera’s house
Exit the building
Go to the back yard


6000HP Lv. 38

Cloud Force Stealer, Silver Armlet, Fire Ring
Tifa Powersoul, Silver Armlet, Power Wrist
Cait Sith Yellow M-Phone, Mythril Armlet

Note: Heal with hi potions

Cloud cast bio. After palmer is poisoned switch to aqualung
Tifa aqualung
Cait sith throw molotovs, use his limit


Sail south
Get off the tiny bronco at the beach




	Add Steal
	Remove Transform
	Remove Enemy Skill


	Add Enemy Skill (he should have 2 equipped)


	ATB Active

Get an encounter in the grassy area

Razor Weeds

Tifa manipulate
Cast magic hammer on cloud
Cloud magic hammer an enemy
Cloud aqualung twice to finish the fight

Get back in the tiny bronco

Get off in the river near golden saucer
Walk to north corel

North Corel

Ride the tram

Golden Saucer

Buy a single pass
Go to battle square
Enter dio’s show room on the right
Examine the key stone
dialog prompt: top

Escape the fight

Top right exit to get back to the station
Go back to the tram
Talk to the person next to it

Dialog prompt: top (I’m tired)

Dialog prompts: 1, 2, 2

Gondola Ride:
Don’t look out the window to skip a cutscene
Mash through dialog with circle

Go to the chocobo square (far right exit)
Run around the left side of the table so cait sith leaves the room
Exit the room

Elixir in the hotel room

Exit the room

	Cloud Aerith Tifa

Bottom right grave to get to the station

Go back to the tram


Run south to the tiny bronco


Get an encounter

Kimara Bugs:
Tifa steal a spider web
Escape the fight

Walk left at the first fork
Take the right exit to get to the town

Accessory shop


	Fury Ring

Leave the town

Grab the deathblow materia
Exit to the left


Temple of the Ancients

Across the bridge
Up the stairs
Examine the altar

Trident chest
Turbo ether
Rocket punch

Rolling rock room

Clock puzzle:
Press triangle
Press circle four times
Press cross
Walk across the clock hands

Note: Don’t get knocked off by the seconds hand or you just die


	ATB Wait


	Use a tranquilizer on everyone


	Cure to heal everyone to full


	Remove Fire Ring


	Edin Coat
	Fire Ring


	Fury Ring


	Remove one enemy skill


	Add Enemy Skill


	Add Counter Attack
	Add Cover
	Remove Manipulate
	(slot 1) Add Deathblow

Note: As far as I’m aware, you equip cover on tifa just to give it some AP. Near the end of the game you use one cover materia that’s at 60% chance and one that’s at 40% chance to guarantee that cloud always covers.

Door puzzle:
Walk to the far left, jump down
Go in the third door
Save at the blue guy (don’t rest, it will remove sadness)
Go in the second door
Enter the same door you came out of

Really long cutscene (walk to the right)

Red Dragon

6800HP Lv. 39

Cloud Force Stealer, Silver Armlet
Aerith Guard Stick, Edincoat, Fire Ring
Tifa Powersoul, Silver Armlet, Fury Ring

Stall ATB with every turn

Big guard
Death sentence tifa

If the cloud or aerith get attacked heal them with a hi potion

Get tifa into critical hp:

  • Molotov does 330ish damage
  • Grenade does 140ish damage
  • Laser does half the current hp in damage.

If cloud still has his limit he can use cross slash here to paralyze red dragon.

When tifa’s in critical:
Wait for tifa’s atb to fill up
Pause atb
Wait for the attack animations to finish
Unpause atb

Repeat until you finish the fight


  • Death sentence ticks down at the same speed on both fast and slow battle speeds. so by having our battle speed set to fast, we can maximize the time spent with death sentence before it kills tifa.

  • The fury ring puts tifa into berserk, where she will automatically do physical attacks and have a x1.5 damage multiplier. Death sentence gives a 4x multiplier, and being in critical health with the powersoul gives an x2 damage modifier. 1.5 * 4 * 2 = x12 damage.

Examine the altar
Dialog prompt: bottom (Leave it)
Exit the hallway
Rest at the blue guy


	Tranquilizer on everyone


	Dragon Armlet

Safety save at the blue guy

Take the door on the right to get back to the clock room

Demon’s Gate

10,000HP Lv. 45

Cloud Force Stealer, Dragon Armlet
Aerith Guard Stick, Edincoat, Fire Ring
Tifa Powersoul, Silver Armlet, Fury Ring

Stall ATB with every turn

Big guard
Spider web
Death sentence tifa

Note: If he casts petrify use a soft to get rid of it.

If tifa dies:
(have both cloud and aerith’s turns ready)
first turn phoenix down and hi potion
second turn big guard and death sentence

Before demon rush:
Keep aerith and cloud at full health with hi potions
Tifa should be at least above 400hp

Keep stalling atb after tifa’s turn is ready

After demon rush:
Get tifa into critical
Continue atb stalling while tifa attacks


  • After demon’s gate hp is less than 25%, 50%, or 75% of his max hp, he will begin preparing for demon rush. It’s random how many turns he will stall for. We’re doing so much damage he’s basically guaranteed to queue up a second demon rush right after the first. The goal of the fight is to kill him before he can use it again.

  • The spider web casts slow on demon’s gate. This lets you rack up more damage before he uses demon’s rush, meaning it’s more likely you can kill him before he gets a second demon rush.

Stop text mashing when cloud is running towards sephiroth


X-Potion from chest
South exit to leave the town


Note: Cloud needs to have limit before jenova life.

Get in the tiny bronco

Recruit yuffie from the forests southeast of rocket town

Dialog prompts:
Bot (Not interested)
Top (Petrified…)
Bot (Wait a second!)
Top (That’s right)
Bot (Let’s hurry)


	ATB Active


	Cloud Tifa Yuffie


	Yuffie back

Bone Village

Talk to the person in the doorway
Dialog prompt: top (Start diggin’)
Dialog prompt: top (Lunar Harp)

Press square, then menu to “done”
Stand here (it’s pretty lenient)

Close the “select the dig point” textbox
Press square

Lunar harp chest

Exit through the top of the town

Coral Valley

Water Ring

Forgotten Capital

Right at the fork
Enter the house

Climb the ladder
Rest at the bed
grab the enemy skill materia


	ATB Wait


	Tranquilizers on everyone


	Water Ring


	Gigas Armlet
	Power Wrist


	Add Cover
	(slot 3) Add Enemy Skill (the one with no skills learned)
	So it should look like Deathblow-Blank EnemySkill


	Replace Throw with Enemy Skill
	(slot 1) Add Ramuh
	(slot 2) Add Elemental

Note: The gigas armlet gives tifa +30 strength

Back to the fork at the start
Take the center path

Enter the shell building
Grab the comet materia (you can grab it from below)

Go down the crystal staircase
At the stepping stones mash left on dpad
Walk into the circle
Mash circle to go through clouds actions


10,000HP 300MP Lv.50

Cloud Force Stealer, Dragon Armlet, Water Ring
Tifa Powersoul, Gigas Armlet, Power Wrist
Yuffie 4-Point Shuriken, Silver Armlet

Cloud cross slash
Yuffie magic hammer
Stall ATB with tifa so the paralyze lasts longer

Cloud magic hammer
Yuffie magic hammer

Get tifa into critical health
Death sentence tifa
Tifa attack until jenova is dead

Backup if jenova opens up with aqualung:
Cloud cross slash
Cloud magic hammer 3 times
Cloud phoenix down yuffie
Yuffie phoenix down tifa
Cloud death sentence tifa
Cross slash jenova
Tifa deathblow until jenova is dead

Swap discs

Disc 2


	ATB Active


	Tranquilizers on everyone


	Cure to heal everyone to full

Leave through the top right exit

Hop on the shell staircase
Climb to get to the roof of the shell
Go counter clockwise to the exit

Bolt armlet chest (you can grab it from below)
Mega elixir chest


Icicle Inn

Enter the snowman house on the far right

Examine map
Dialog choice: bottom (Take the map)
Hero drink
Leave the house

Talk to person at the top of the town
Dialog prompt: top (I’m still going)
Dodge elena (just hold left while you’re mashing through text)

Enter the house with the dog outside
Talk to the kid next to the snowboard
Take the snowboard

Exit through the top (you can walk around the guy blocking it)


Branching paths:

  • Right, then left


  • Dpad up to start moving
  • Dpad and L1 or R1 to take sharper turns
  • I wouldn’t hold L1 or R1, just tap quickly a few times

Great Glacier

If you fucked up and need a map of the area:

Added cut materia on the second screen

Continue left until you get to the snow field

Note: The camera will rotate, you can use the markers to keep track or just pay attention to the ground texture

Walk a little forward and then walk to the east

Re enter the snow field

Walk a little left, then north

Note: Doing it like this makes it less likely to get an enemy encounter. This section acts like the world map where you can’t get a random encounter until you take a certain amount of steps

Safety save in the cabin

Gaea’s Cliff

First cliff section

  • Press square to raise your temperature
  • If you go below 27 degrees you get sent back to the cabin


	Cure to heal everyone


	Ether on Cloud


	Bolt Armlet


	Wizard Bracelet
	Fire Ring


	Add Comet


	(slot 2) Added Cut
	It should be linked to deathblow

Note: The bolt armlet and the fire ring prevent you from dying to magic breath

While going through the cave interiors, you should get an encounter with a stilva. You need to learn magic breath from it.


Wait for it to use magic breath
Cloud comet
Tifa attack
todo: does yuffie still die with elemental ramuh? if she does just leave her dead.

Ribbon chest
Safety strat: Equip ribbon on tifa

Push down the boulder
Backtrack and take the other path

Climb the second cliffs

  • up, then right

Fire armlet chest


	ATB Wait


	Phoenix Down on Yuffie


	Cure to heal everyone to full


	Remove Fire Ring
	Dragon Armlet


	Fire Ring
	Gigas Armlet


	Fire Armlet


	Remove Counter Attack

Note: I think counter attack gets removed here because it causes schizo’s counter for quake3 to increase. I might be incorrect though

Fight the first three icicles
Then jump down


3000HP Lv. 30

Cloud Force Stealer, Dragon Armlet
Tifa Powersoul, Gigas Armlet, Fire Ring
Yuffie 4-Point Shuriken, Fire Armlet, Ribbon

Cloud or yuffie use laser


  • Laser does gravity damage, which the icicles are weak to so laser does 100% of its health instead of 50%

  • Yuffie has the ribbon for immunity from the bat’s silence.

Enhanced sword chest (we just sell this for money)

Third cliff screen:

  • up twice

Stand on the save point


	Phoenix down to revive any dead party members
	tranquilizers on everyone

Safety save before schizo

Note: Apparently you should get an encounter in the schizo room before the fight, because if you get an encounter after the fight in this room you won’t be able to escape due to a bug in the game.


Right 18,000HP 350MP Lv. 43
Left 18,000HP 350MP Lv. 43

Cloud Force Stealer, Dragon Armlet
Tifa Powersoul, Gigas Armlet, Fire Ring
Yuffie 4-Point Shuriken, Fire Armlet, Ribbon

Stall atb with every turn

Cloud or Yuffie: big guard
Tifa hero drink herself

Cloud and Yuffie: 4 magic hammers on schizo left (check it’s name with select)
Tifa hi-potions if needed

After 4 magic hammers:
Death sentence tifa
Tifa death blow right head

When you kill schizo right, He will use a powerful lightning spell. Yuffie needs to survive this so she should have full health, but tifa is going to die so we can revive her with critical hp

After schizo right is dead:
Yuffie revive tifa
Yuffie death sentence tifa
Tifa deathblows
Yuffie hi-potion to full hp


  • Schizo left uses ice, schizo right uses fire

  • We want to drain schizo left’s mp because our equipment makes fire damage trivial, but ice is still dangerous

  • Schizo right counters with quake2 after you hit it 5 times. schizo right counters after you hit it 6 times

  • Powersoul is x2 damage, deathblow is x2 damage, death sentence is x4 damage. 2 * 2 * 4 = x16 damage. Plus an attack with x8 damage from added cut.

  • The hero drink gives a 1.3x multiplier to atk, def, vitality, and spirit stats. I don’t know if there’s a better fight to use this on

  • On death, schizo counters with a powerful lightning move. Tifa and cloud should die, but yuffie should survive.

Note: You revive tifa right before jenova death so she’ll be at critical hp


	phoenix down on cloud


	Cure to heal cloud and yuffie to full

Whirlwind Maze

Run to the left

Note: There is a guy in a black robe blocking the way, talk to him to get past

Grab the neo bahamut materia

Safety save

First whirlwind
Note: If you mess up and hit the force field, use comet

Kaiser knuckles chest (to sell later)

Second whirlwind

Before walking into the cutscene:


	Phoenix down on tifa


	Cure to heal cloud and yuffie to full


25,000HP Lv. 55

Cloud Force Stealer, Dragon Armlet
Tifa Powersoul, Gigas Armlet, Fire Ring
Yuffie 4-Point Shuriken, Fire Armlet, Ribbon

Big guard
Death sentence tifa
Tifa deathblow

Cloud cross slash
Tifa deathblow
Stall atb

Give the black materia to red
Talk to tifa
Grab the mp turbo materia
Poison ring chest

Third whirlwind

  • Pass after the 4th “gust”

Lots of cutscenes:
Talk to tifa
Talk to sephiroth, then tifa


Talk to barret
Follow npcs to the press room

Run away from the guard fight
Try to open the bottom door

Cutscene skip:

  • On the camera angle with the guards lined up and the cannon in the distance, hold down and run
  • Wait for the next screen with rufus looking out the window
  • Run down for about two seconds
  • Then run down left
  • If you did it right it should switch back to barret

Run down to the room cait sith is in
Talk to cait sith
Exit through the top
Exit right
Go to the airship (you move right in the huge area after taking the lift)

Tifa’s escape:
Hold cross to pick up the key
Press triangle
Press triangle and cross
Press triangle and square
Press square and circle

Press the orange button on the left
Try to open the door
Climb down the tower
Move onto the cannon

Slap fight (hold circle)


Down the stairs
Right to the flight deck
Talk to red
Talk to the pilot
Go back to the operations room


	Tifa Red Cid

Note: I think cid and red are chosen for the least amount of dialogue during mideel

Back to the flight deck
Talk to the pilot


Note: Hold square so you can fly around without turning

Safety save before entering mideel


Enter the weapon shop

Examine the door in the back
Exit the shop
Pick up the “Beat-up Useless Old Key”

Back to the weapon shop
Use the key on the door
dialog prompt: bottom (Tell them the truth!)
Receive the curse ring

Note: the curse ring gives:
+35 strength
+35 magic
+15 vitality
+15 spirit
+15 dexterity
+10 luck
Also gives death sentence at the start of a fight

Leave the shop

Enter the materia shop


	All equipment EXCEPT curse ring and wizard bracelet


	Destruct materia
	Keep buying hp plus until you have less than 12,000 gil

Note: You need at least 4000 gil for fort condor. The last 3 digits should not be between 400-479 in order to lose the fort condor game quickly. You could sell a molotov or something if needed.

Walk next to the dog


Operations room


	Cid Yuffie Cait Sith


	Cid back


	Curse Ring
	Wizard Bracelet

Cait Sith:



	Arrange > Remove all
	Arrange > Arrange
	3 summon materia

	(slot 1) Add Comet
	(slot 2) Add MP Turbo
	Add Enemy Skill (the one with less skills on it)
	Add Restore
	Add 4 HP Plus


	Enemy Skill

Cait Sith:

	Enemy Skill

Talk to the pilot


There’s a tiny sliver of green southeast of fort condor you can land on

Fort Condor

Talk to the person at the entrance
Dialog prompt: bottom (I guess we’ll help you)

Talk to the person at the table
Climb the ladder on the left

Talk to the person in the watchtower
Dialog prompt: bottom (Enough)
Dialog prompt: middle (Ok, ready)

Tower defense minigame:

  • Press start to begin combat phase.
  • Build tristoners, then remove them
  • If less than 600gil, buy a stoner
  • Otherwise buy a fire catapult
  • You should lose when you have less than 399 gil and no units on the field.

Yuffie magic breath on self

Leave fort condor



	Tranquilizer everyone

North Corel

North one screen
Go all the way to the reactor

Guard fight:

Cait sith magic breath

Fight 1 (gas ducter):

Yuffie comet

Fight 2 (gas ducters):

Cid magic breath
Cait sith use the dragon fang item

After the fight:
Yuffie cure to heal everyone
Turbo ether on yuffie

Fight 3 (wolfmeister):

Cid laser
Cait sith laser
Yuffie comet

After fight:
Yuffie cure to heal everyone

Fight 4 (eagle gun):

Cid laser
Cait sith laser
Yuffie magic breath

Fight 5 (attack squad):

Yuffie comet
or one of the others magic breath

Cait Sith:

	Remove Ribbon

Cait Sith:

	Remove Enemy Skill


	Remove Enemy Skill


	Remove everything
	Replace MP Turbo with Elemental
	Add 2 HP Plus

Note: I think elemental-comet resists against non elemental magic, which helps yuffie survive ultima beam.

Talk to the guy blocking the way
Cutscene rest
Leave north corel



Go to the clinic
Talk to tifa
Leave the clinic

Ultimate Weapon

100,000HP Lv. 61

Cid Spear, Gold Bangle
Yuffie 4-Point Shuriken, Wizard Bracelet, Curse Ring
Cait Sith Yellow M-Phone, Bronze Bangle

You just have to survive 3 turns to win

Yuffie defend (dpad right)
Heal with cure2 if she gets attacked

Lifestream Cutscene:
Talk to top cloud
Go into nibelheim
Talk to cloud
Talk to left cloud
Talk to right cloud
Talk to kid cloud
Talk to shadow cloud
Go into nibelheim
Talk to cloud


Leave the room

	Cloud Tifa Yuffie

Talk to the pilot



	Fire Ring




	Curse ring


	Replace Elemental with Destruct
	Remove Comet
	Remove Restore
	Remove 3 HP Plus


	Add 2 Cover
	Add HP Plus
	Add 2 HP Plus
	Add Enemy Skill
	Add Restore


	Add Enemy Skill
	Add 2 HP Plus
	(slot 1) Add Deathblow
	(slot 2) Add Added Cut
	Add Steal


	Tranquilizer on everyone


Take the elevator at the back of the town

In the hallway take the left exit
Run down the street
In the tunnel go left

Guard fights: aqualung

Safety save at this savepoint

Single guard fight:
Tifa attack

Carry Armor

24,000 HP Lv. 45

Cloud Force Stealer, Dragon Armlet, Ribbon
Tifa Powersoul, Gigas Armlet, Curse Ring
Yuffie 4-Point Shuriken, Wizard Bracelet, Fire Ring

ATB stall every turn

Cloud or Yuffie: big guard
2 magic hammers on him (the main body)
Tifa deathblow

Get tifa into critical

  • s-mine or tifa attack herself + molotov

Hi-Potion cloud if lapis laser happened.

Continue deathblows

Note: If carry armor grabs someone, just let them die and revive them.


	Cure cloud and yuffie to full

Guard fights: aqualung

Last fight:
Tifa attack the single guard
Aqualung the other 2


Dialog prompt: bottom (Take them prisoner)
Dialog prompt: bottom (Sit in the seat)
Dialog prompt: bottom (Start the mission)

Submarine Minigame:

  • Hold triangle to catch up
  • Press triangle to raise speed to 75
  • Follow behind
  • Hold square


Dive underwater

  • Dpad up to sink
  • Circle to move forward

Sunken Gelnika

Stand on the save point


	ATB Active


	Cure to heal cloud and yuffie to full

Safety save

Door north of save point
Escort guard chest

Double cut materia (behind the chest)

Conformer chest

Leave the ship

Press cross to surface

Go below the surface
Grab the key of the ancients in the tunnel

Take the sub back to junon


	ATB Wait


	Phoenix Down if anyone's dead


	Swap Yuffie for Cid

Get in the highwind

Rocket Town

Go to the rocket

Fight 1:

Magic breath

Fight 2:

Magic breath

Fight 3:

Magic breath
Tifa attack the senior grunt


	Potions to heal tifa, keep her under 350hp

Climb the ladder


9000HP Lv. 42

Cloud Force Stealer, Dragon Armlet, Ribbon
Tifa Powersoul, Gigas Armlet, Curse Ring
Cid Spear, Gold Bangle

Stall ATB
Tifa deathblow rude

If tifa is put to sleep, kill her with a molotov, then phoenix down

Note: Apparently Rude will avoid attacking Tifa because he has a crush on her

Cure to heal cloud and cid

Last fight:

Tifa attack

Enter the cockpit
Down three screens
Get in the escape pod


Talk to the pilot


Land north of cosmo canyon on the grass


	Swap Cid for Yuffie

Cosmo Canyon

Climb up to the observatory
Talk to bugenhagen
Examine huge materia
Dialog prompt: bottom (go back down)


Talk to pilot


You can next to the city, inside of the crevice

Forgotten Capital

Left at the fork
Follow the path to the cool pedestal
Enter the waterfall
Exit forgotten capital


Enter the highwind

Land, wait for diamond weapon

Before Diamond Weapon:

	ATB Wait
	Battle Speed: below the "o" in recommended
	Tranquilizers on everyone


	Potions to heal tifa, keep her under 350hp
	Ethers to restore mp(tifa 50+, cloud and yuffie 100+)


	Cure to heal cloud and yuffie to full


	Escort Guard




	Add Ramuh
	Add Double Cut


	Add Shiva

Safety save here

Diamond Weapon

30,000HP Lv. 49

Cloud Force Stealer, Escort Guard, Ribbon
Tifa Powersoul, Gigas Armlet, Curse Ring
Yuffie Conformer, Wizard Bracelet, Fire Ring

Tifa big guard
Cloud limit or summon
Yuffie limit/summon

Tifa hold atb with deathblow selected

After the heart opens up:
Tifa deathblow
Yuffie 2x-cut
Cloud stall atb
Repeat this three times

Note: In order to open up diamond weapon to physical attacks, you must do 2 limits/summons. Limits are way faster, but summons are there in case you don’t have limit charged.



	Battle speed fast


	Potions to heal tifa, keep her under 550hp


Cure to heal cloud and yuffie to full

Talk to the pilot


Skip midgar:

  • Fly to north crater
  • During the cutscene hold cross and right
  • At the scene with hojo you should run into him and trigger the fight


Hojo 13,000HP Lv. 50
Heretic Hojo 26,000HP Lv. 55
Lifeform-Hojo N 30,000HP Lv. 58

Cloud Force Stealer, Escort Guard, Ribbon
Tifa Powersoul, Gigas Armlet, Curse Ring
Yuffie Conformer, Wizard Bracelet, Fire Ring

Tifa deathblow
Cloud big guard
Yuffie vaccine on tifa

Rest of fight:
tifa deathblow
yuffie 2x-cut
Cloud hold atb


To save the music:

  • Save the game when prompted
  • Hold the power button to turn off the system
  • Open the disc tray
  • Swap to disc 3
  • Triangle twice, cross button
  • Disc speed fast, cross
  • Close the disc tray
  • Wait for the game to load
  • Load your file

Disc 3


	ATB Active


	Tranquilizer on cloud and yuffie

Northern crater


  • When running away from fights, have tifa attack herself
  • You revive her right before jenova to get critical health

Save crystal chest

Save crystal glitch:

  • Stand on the right edge of the second stalactite ladder thing
  • Use the save crystal in the menu
  • Hold dpad downright and circle during the menu closing
  • Climb down the ladder
  • Wait for the text box to distort
  • Select “No”
  • Walk towards the left exit, don’t leave yet

Path choices:

	cloud:		left
	barret: 	right
	tifa: 		right
	red: 		right
	yuffie:		left
	cait sith:	right
	cid: 		right

Exit Leave the screen

Second path choices:

	cloud:		down
	yuffie:		down

Remedy chest

Vaccine chest

Safety save with the save crystal at the bottom of the circle

Talk to tifa to get the mystile/mythril


	Cloud Yuffie Tifa

Final Descent

Menu on the last platform


	ATB Wait


	Reset limit


	Phoenix Down tifa
	Tranquilizers on everyone


	Cure to heal cloud and yuffie to full


	Curse ring


	Remove Ramuh


	Add 2 HP Plus
	Add Long Range
	(slot 1) Add Added Cut
	(slot 2) Add Deathblow
	(slot 3) Add Elemental
	(slot 4) Add Ramuh

Note: The elemental ramuh resists bolt3 from bizarro sephiroth


60,000HP Lv. 61

Cloud Force Stealer, Escort Guard, Ribbon
Tifa Powersoul, Mystile, Curse Ring
Yuffie Conformer, Wizard Bracelet, Fire Ring

Yuffie 2x-cut
Tifa deathblow
Cloud big guard (hold atb until 2x-cut and deathblow are done)

Rest of fight:
Cloud stall atb


	Cloud Tifa Yuffie


	Cure to heal yuffie to full


	Potions to heal tifa, Keep her under 650 hp
	Elixir on cloud to restore mp		
	Tranquilizers on everyone


	Reset limit

Dialog prompt: top (Let’s go everyone)


40,000HP Lv. 61

Cloud Force Stealer, Escort Guard, Ribbon
Tifa Powersoul, Mystile, Curse Ring
Yuffie Conformer, Wizard Bracelet, Fire Ring

Yuffie 2x-cut
Tifa deathblow
Cloud big guard (hold atb until 2x-cut and deathblow are done)

Rest of fight:
Cloud stall atb


80,000HP Lv. 87

During sephiroth’s intro animation thing that pauses atb:
Tifa deathblow
Yuffie debarrier
Cloud big guard (hold atb until deathblow and debarrier are done)

Tifa deathblow
Yuffie 2x-cut
Cloud stall atb

After shadow flare:
If tifa dies:

Yuffie phoenix down
Cloud big guard
Yuffie 2x-cut
Tifa deathblow
Cloud vaccine tifa (hold atb with this until deathblow and 2x-cut are done)

If yuffie dies:

Cloud phoenix down
Tifa deathblow
Yuffie 2x-cut
Cloud vaccine tifa (hold atb with this until deathblow and 2x-cut are done)

If cloud dies (this likely won’t happen):

Yuffie phoenix down
Cloud will probably die to the physical attack, if not have him vaccine tifa

Continue 2x-cut and deathblow


  • This deals 15/16ths of your current health, it will not kill.
  • This has a random chance of confusing a party member. You do not want tifa to be confused.
  • If tifa died before (the vaccine loses effect) you could just kill her and revive to get rid of confuse.

Afterwards if safer sephiroth has less than 25% health, he will only use heartless angel, which sets your hp to 1 and can’t kill.

You should be able to kill him before the cycle repeats.

Note: I don’t think kill+revive works to fix frog, so use the remedy on that.


1HP Lv. 50

Omnislash (just hold circle)

Timing ends when the last damage number appears