Note: This route is now somewhat out of date.
Table of contents
- Chapter 0
- Chapter 1
- Chapter 2
- Chapter 3
- Chapter 4
- Chapter 5
- Chapter 6
- Chapter 7
- Chapter 8
- Chapter 9
- Chapter 10
- Final Chapter
Set options before starting a run
Camera Settings
Vertical Camera Controls: Normal
Horizontal Camera Controls: Inverted
Vertical Camera Speed: Max
Horizontal Camera Speed: MaxGame Settings
Difficulty: Normal
Dash: Toggle
Reflector Transformation Animations: Do Not Play
Confirm Button: Circle
Timing starts on selecting New Game
Run to front of school
Pick up items to trigger a battle
Combat Tutorial
mash circle
ao attack
kokoro attack
rena attack
SET COMBAT TO MANUALrest of fight:
falcon shot
Move behind the building
Jump up the cliff
walk across roof to collect eggs
1 tamagoyaki
talk to rena, kokoro, yuki
Talent Tutorial
open talent menu
select kokoro
learn hp +5
mash R2 and circle to get through the rest of the tutorial text
mash cross to exit out of the menu
Chapter 0
warp to crafting
talk to yuki
accept her request
warp to courtyard
enter kokoro’s heartscape
Run forward to trigger a cutscene
Item Tutorial
square, use tamagoyaki
kokoro falcon shot
3 Balloon Cabbages
return to school (map screen, dpad down)
warp to yuki
talk to yuki, complete request
warp to nurse’s office
run to docks
warp to crafting
warp to courtyard
enter kokoro’s heartscape
3 Rainbow Corn (2nd layer)
Textiles (all layers)
Lumber (1st and 2nd layer)
run to barricade
Gear Tutorial
kokoro attack
ao queue 2 attacksrest of fight:
falcon shot
The four legged enemies accelerate quickly and are difficult to dodge. It’s helpful to slash them to start a battle with initiative. You get 1000ep and can run away immediately, and after the battle there is a short period time where enemies won’t see you.
Combo Guard Tutorial
falcon shot
sverðwait until after enemy attack
2x falcon shot
2x cascaderest of fight:
falcon shot
enemy shields reset every time they attack. When you go for knockdowns its best to start them right after they attack, which gives you the largest window of time
enter second layer
stealth section
After collecting the item after the crawlspace, you need to pay attention to the large enemy. when he is moving to the left, pass by the right side of him. then just take a straight line to the last item.
video of chapter 0 stealth section
leak repair kit
Chapter 1
You need full health for the boss, and because you can’t warp to different layers in chapter 1, leaving the heartscape to heal is too slow. So don’t fight anything that’s not required
enter kokoro’s heartscape
run to layer 2
Weakness Tutorial
L2, attack with kokoro
queue 3 attacks with aorest of fight:
falcon shot
run to fog
climb ladder
light first lantern
light second lantern
backtrack to fog
Support Skill Tutorial
brise de mer
sparkle ballrest of fight:
buzzing pulse
go around the building
enter secret hideout
backtrack, enter the final layer
1 Diamond Fruit (3rd layer)
safety save before boss
falcon shot
brise de mer on aorétablissement (whoever has the lowest health)
2x sverð
2x falcon Shot
cascadewhen kokoro hits gear 3, use sparkle ball
rest of fight:
buzzing pulse
run to first floor classroom
kokoro date
text kokoro about 虹色の味覚を求めて Seek the Rainbow Flavor
talk to kokoro to complete request
1 Wooden Plank
School Development
beachside cafe (default spot)
Chapter 2
talk to shiho
shiho beachside cafe date
For dates, unless specified choose the top options
Fragment Tutorial
open fragment menu
ao うぶな反応 Naive Reaction
close the menu
yuki gym date
for dates use text messaging to start them
1x tamagoyaki
You set up the “Operation Help Shiho” unit here. Use this unit for everything you craft unless specified
1 coffee
warp to courtyard
warp to heartscape
enter shiho’s heartscape
Support Tutorial
open support menu
use tamagoyakirest of fight:
falcon shot
kokoro shiho ao (rena support)Talent
ether speed +10
defense +3yuki
shiho ether speed +30Fragment
shiho うぶな反応 Naive Reaction
the middle character is important, because they go first when you start a battle with initiative.
(Minerals): Shocking Rock (1st layer)
(Mineral Chunks): Hot Spring Water, Rugged Pebble (1st and 2nd layer)
These aren’t needed until chapter 7, but you do need 10 mineral chunks so it’s best to get them on the way
Status Ailment Tutorial
sleet cannon
rest of fight:
falcon shot
Infight Tutorial
kokoro attack
ao attackinfight:
mash circle
triangle, cross
attack until just before the enemy’s turn
then counter the enemy’s attack
do finisher
return to school
enter shiho’s heartscape layer 2
3 Cool Sand (fight common leuks)
You should try to start the fight by attacking in stealth mode (enemies must not have detected you). This starts the fight with every enemy almost knocked down. You have to fight 5 common leuks per trip and this reduces the damage you take
falcon shot
sverðyaguruma (triggers the infight)
do finisher
trigger cutscene
return to school
text rena about:
伶那からの課題 Homework from Rena
enter kokoro’s heartscape layer 1
2 Warm Sand
fight the Calm Erythro near the entrance until rena’s quest is complete
then switch to fighting assassin interest in layer 2
return to school
text yuki about バカンス気分を味わおう Taste the Tropics
run to the stairwell checking nearby item spots on the 1st and 2nd floor
coins can be exchanged for coffee later
sand saves you some grinding
warp to rena
talk to rena to complete request
safety save
Craft sandwiches one at a time until you get the created items +1 bonus
Now every item you craft will also get this bonus, as long as you don’t close out of the menu.note: you need to keep at least one Giant Egg, so don’t mindlessly craft them away when making sandwiches
1 Wooden Plank (2 total)
1 Wooden Plank (4 total)
1 Sturdy Cloth (2 total)
1 Sturdy Cloth (4 total)
As many sandwiches as you can (20ish is nice to have)
School Development
Beach Chair (default spot)
yuki beach chair date (bottom choices)
kokoro 即席茶番劇 Impromptu Charade
enter shiho’s heartscape second layer
go back to first layer
backtrack to the train station
Brightwing Setcasy
buzzing pulse
It’s fine if party members die, they still get full experience.
enter final layer
return to school (this full heals your party)
enter shiho’s heartscape final layer
Brightwing Setcasy and Colonel Leuk
(select the brightwing setcasy first as it’s weak to pierce)
buzzing pulse
after it dies, switch to falcon shot
heal kokoro and shiho with sandwichesParty
rena kokoro shiho (ao support)
run to boss
brise de mer on kokoro
wait for boss to do their second attackknockdown:
2x yaguruma
2x buzzing pulse
courant marincourant marin
falcon shot
yaguruma (triggers infight)infight
do finisher
return to school
Chapter 3
warp to changing room
warp to rena (triggers cutscene)
text kokoro about 落とし物を探して Search for the Lost Item
kokoro library date (bottom options)
kokoro beachside cafe date
text message shiho about:
レシビのある場所 Recipe Location
思い出を訪ねて Recalling Memories
School Development
cafe space (move 2 spaces right)
text message hinako about 音楽のある場所 Where the Music Is
go up stairs, checking for items
run to broadcasting room, trigger cutscene
enter library, trigger cutscene
hinako date
enter kokoro heartscape second layer
video of shiho stealth request
First Lantern
When you load a save file, you get a short period of time where enemies can’t see you. We’re going to abuse this to walk past the enemy guarding the first lantern
stand just outside of the red enemy circle, close to the barrel
line up in this direction (when you load your save, the camera will face where ao is facing)
save, and load this save file again
hold forward
you should run straight through undetected
Second Lantern
try to get to the right wall, and you can walk safely to the second lantern
return to the fog
go behind the building
enter secret hideout
enter shiho’s heartscape third layer
video of kokoro stealth section
todo: more optimal video of this
enter hinako’s heartscape
Hinako Tutorial
support swap with rena
ciel mois
when hinako hits gear 3, switch to averse bélier
rena hinako shiho (ao support)Talent
hinako ether speed +30shiho
ether speed +5
attack +3Fragment
プレミアムな体験 A Premium Experience
即席茶番劇 Impromptu Charade
うぶな反応 Naive Reaction
1 Mystical Sapling (1st and 2nd layer)
2 Combustible Grass (2nd and 3rd layer)
Crystalline, Astonish
ciel mois, at gear 3 switch to averse bélier
enter second layer
return to school
enter hinako’s heartscape second layer
Wailbranch and Sorrowful Persona
brise de mer hinako
support sandwich whoever’s low after wailbranch attack2x ciel mois sorrowful persona
2x yagurumarena sandwich whoever’s low health
rest of fight:
averse bélier
courant marin
heal rena hinako and shiho with sandwiches
Cyclops Vrochi
brise de mer hinako
2x yaguruma
2x ciel moishinako infight
- Hinako’s infight support skill makes her next 2 attacks add 2 to the combo instead of 1. She can get a higher damage multiplier than other characters which makes her the best choice for infights.
- Every time hinako enters an infight, you should immediately use the support skill, then counter the first enemy attack. You will be able to cast it a second time, so pay attention to the UI to know when the cooldown ends.
enter final layer
return to school
enter hinako’s heartscape final layer
fight the Sorrowful Personas with the objective markers
(start the battle from stealth, the enemy doesn’t move so it’s easy)
Sorrowful Persona
akatsuki on hinako
ciel mois, after gear 3 switch to averse bélier
fight the second sorrowful persona
heal rena hinako and shiho with sandwiches
Gale Creature
brise de mer hinako
2x ciel mois
2x yaguruma
courant marinhinako infight
do finisher
The One Who Fell from the Sky
same as gale creature
wait until after second attack to start the knockdownhinako infight
do finisher
1 Crepe
warp to roof
warp to heartscape
Chapter 4
text hinako about ブランクを取り戻せ Recovering the Blank
text yuki about 爆ぜる芸術 Exploding Artwork
1 firecracker
check item spots near stairs
kokoro gym date
kokoro hinako shiho (ao support)Fragment
即席茶番劇 Impromptu Charade
運動神経の要因 The Factors of Fitness
warp to heartscape
enter hinako’s heartscape second layer
fight sorrowful personas (need to kill at least 3 for hinako’s request)
falcon shot
averse belier
4 Damp Sand (Sorrowful Persona)
1 Rare Lens (Sorrowful Persona, 2nd layer item spots)
return to school
warp to hinako
complete request
1 glass sheet
1 ether alloy
School Development
telescope (place to the far right, next to school entrance)
enter classroom, skip cutscene
warp to courtyard
activate telescope effect
warp to heartscape
enter rena’s heartscape
1 Hole-Punched Ticket (1st and 3rd layer)
2 Colorful Chalk (2nd and 3rd layer)
Loathing Skeleton
akatsuki kokoro
buzzing pulse
ciel mois
enter second layer
return to school
enter rena’s heartscape second layer
Safety Save
2x Loathing Skeleton
support use sandwich on kokoro
akatsuki kokoro or hinako, whoever has less etherknockdown:
2x ciel mois
2x buzzing pulserest of fight:
akatsuki kokoro
buzzing pulse
ciel mois
heal shiho and hinako with sandwichesParty
rena hinako shiho (ao support)
TODO the boss can decide to attack shiho twice and she just dies
brise de mer hinako
wait until after boss attack (it last longer than you think)knockdown:
2x ciel mois
2x yaguruma
courant marinhinako infight
enter final layer
return to school
enter rena’s heartscape final layer
yaguruma, but heal if needed
brise de mer hinako, then courant marin
hinako ciel mois, at gear 3 switch to aerse bélier
heal rena shiho and hinako with sandwiches
TODO can also get one shot here
support use fire cracker (lowers boss’s attack)
brise de mer on hinako
wait until boss attack finishes (its really long, wait for timeline marker to start moving)knockdown:
2x ciel mois
2x yaguruma
courant marinhinako infight
fast attack: look for the backward motion, I look at his head
slow attack: after he swings to the right, when he swings to the left
do the finisher
return to the school
warp to kokoro
Chapter 5
text yuki about 極彩色の芸術 Vivid Arts
1 Rainbow Paint
check for items near the stairs
kokoro workroom date (bottom choices)
School Development
shooting gallery (default spot)
kokoro shiho hinako (ao support)Talent
fragment slot
spear shot
attack +5
hp up effect +10%rena
ether speed +10yuki
kokoro ether speed + 30shiho
fragment slothinako
damage dealt +5%
ether speed + 10Fragment
即席茶番劇 Impromptu Charadekokoro
好みに合わせて Trend Setter
運動神経の要因 The Factors of Fitness
思いがけない短所 Unexpected Flawshiho
食欲の由来 Origin of Hunger
warp to heartscape
enter kirara’s heartscape
warp to heartscape
enter rena’s heartscape 2nd layer
3 Sharp Sand (fight acceptors)
falcon shot
ciel mois, then averse bélier
run to the objective marker
return to school
enter hinako’s heartscape first layer
enter shiho’s heartscape first layer
6 Hot Spring Water (fight circlets)
buzzing pulse
ciel mois
enter shiho’s heartscape second layer
enter kokoro’s heartscape first layer
Spirit Remedy
warp to courtyard
exchange coins at cafe space to get coffee
enter kirara’s heartscape
1 Wishing Bamboo (1st and 3rd layer)
1 All Spice (1st and 2nd layer)
1 Pastel Mushroom (all layers)
1 (Tonic): Medicinal Fungus (3rd layer), All Spice
Berserk Leuk Knight
falcon shot
ciel mois, then switch to averse belier
yaguruma, or akebono to cure paralysis
heal shiho and hinako with sandwichesParty
rena hinako shiho (ao support)Safety Save
ciel mois
brise de mer on hinako
(wait until after first attack)
if someone was paralyzed use akebono
if shiho was paralyzed wait for it to run out
otherwise akatsuki hinakowait until after enemy’s second attack
2x averse belier
2x yaguruma
courant marinhinako infight
enter final layer
return to school
enter kirara’s heartscape final layer
do this menu right before Leporem, because the crepe only works for one battle, and you don’t want to waste it with an enemy encounter
use crepe on kokoroParty
kokoro hinako shiho (ao support)Fragment
replace Unexpected Flaw with Impromptu CharadeSafety Save
akatsuki kokoro
ciel mois, then switch to averse bélier
falcon shot, then spear shotshiho should focus on healing, but she can also shiranami if someone dies
heal shiho hinako with sandwiches (return to school if out of sandwiches)Party
rena hinako shiho (ao support)
Corpus Vulnera
akatsuki rena
brise de mer hinako
brise de mer renashiho focus on keeping everyone healed
2x ciel mois
2x courant marinhinako infight
do finisher
Chapter 6
text rena about 無機質なアイツ The Sterile One
TODO: i might have to read all her other requests too, just so when i go to turn in the request she doesn’t talk for a really long time
warp to kokoro
1 Water Heater
1 Bathhouse Mural
School Development
Pool Bath
Wishing Tree (default spot)
1 Curry
if you need (Spicy), go to shiho’s heartscape layer 1
(Spicy): Forked Radish, Giant Egg, or Aromatic Herb
enter hirahara sister’s heartscape
Hiori Tutorial Fight
support swap with rena
piena mud bear, spinta ghost
kokoro hiori shiho (ao support)Fragment
食欲の由来 Origin of Hungershiho
プレミアムな体験 A Premium Experience
運動神経の要因 The Factors of Fitness
うぶな反応 Naive Reaction
1 Shining Seed (1st and 2nd layer)
Executioner Ex-Pect and Heavy Mud Bear
buzzing pulse
piena mud bear, spinta ghost
warp to heartscape
enter shiho heartscape second layer
6 Cool Sand (common leuk)
7 Hand Baskets (common leuk)
grab item spots along the way
check that you have 10 (Mineral Chunks) before leaving
Common Leuk
falcon shot
enter kokoro’s heartscape layer 2
1 Warm Sand (assassin interest)
warp to rena, finish request
warp to first floor classroom
kokoro rena yuki event (pick kokoro)
warp to heartscape
enter hirahara sister’s heartscape
run through room
enter final layer
2 Crystals (2nd layer)
activate green switch
activate yellow switch
activate red switch
Reaper Oppose and 2x Heavy Mud Bear
buzzing pulse
piena mud bear, spinta ghost
climb ladder
Pick up reinforced stone block recipe
ferris wheel cutscene
(turn 180)
push down railing to make ladder
return to school
warp to heartscape
enter hirahara sister’s heartscape final layer
activate green switch
activate yellow switch
climb up shortcut ladder
Safety Save
Tyrfing and Dyneslave
this will fail if more than 1 party member gets afflicted with slow2x piena (target left enemy)
2x buzzing pulse
2x yaguruma
1 attack, then piena to break last barrierhiori infight
do finisherwait until after right enemy’s charge attack
2x yaguruma
2x falcon shot
spintaafter he recovers from knockdown
2x yagruma
2x buzzing pulse
2x spinta
Chapter 7
text shiho about:
異世界のティータイム Other Worlds and Tea Time
食卓に刺激を Stimulating the Dinner Table
1 Mapo Tofu
1 Tea (more if you have the materials)
warp to kokoro
rena shiho hinako event (pick top 説明書を探す)
talk to mio
shiho workroom date
shiho 2nd floor classroom date
shiho gym date
shiho cafe date
text shiho about 水辺の旅情 Waterside Wanderlust
text kokoro about 何のための樹? The Pointless Tree?
check that you have:
4 石材 Minerals (excluding crystals)
10 石片 Mineral Chunks (can fight circlets in shiho’s heartscape layer 2 for more)
4 glass (hinako 2nd layer)
Set up double crafting like before (use sandwiches)
for stone block and reinforced stone use ao, kokoro, rena, and hinako for showpiece
4 Reinforced Stones
9 Stone Blocks1 Wooden Plank
2 Sturdy Clothuse operation help shiho for sandwiches and rattan baskets for hp regen
15 Rattan Baskets or more. When selecting textile scraps do not use hand baskets!
4 Sandwiches
School Development
talisman tree (default spot)
School Development
train platform (default spot)
shiho train platform date
enable train platform effect
trade coins for coffee at cafe space
School Development
sunflower bed (move 1 right)
show uta around school
warp to 1st floor classroom
School Development
upgrade sunflower bed to level 3
warp to courtyard
enable sunflower bed effect
- ao
- first page:
given damage +3%
attack up effect +20%
attack +3- 3rd page:
hp +5
hp up effect +10%- kokoro
- second page:
defense +5- third page:
attack up 10%
attack +10rena
hippocampe- shiho
- first page:
hp +10- third page
attack +10
attack up effect +10%Fragment
即席茶番劇 Impromptu Charadekokoro
プレミアムな体験 A Premium Experience
(should still have Trend Setter)shiho
ちょっとした冒険 A Little Adventure
(should still have The Factors of Fitness and Naive Reaction)
enter uta’s heartscape
run to objective marker
return to school and re-enter
run to candy store
run to objective marker
pull plant
return to school and re-enter
run to second layer
x3 Murderous Predator
2x spinta
2x yaguruma
spear shot
crawl under fallen tower
jump up to higher ground
trigger cutscene in front of building
pick up fruit
objective marker
return to school
enter uta’s heartscape second layer
- Now that we have the sunflower bed, infights are no longer the best strategy.
- The party is fast enough that you can quickly build up a damage multiplier, and 3 characters simultaneously attacking with this multiplier adds up to a lot of damage.
- During battles the goal is to knock down the enemy, but not break the last barrier. This avoids the infight cutscene which saves time, but also builds up ether for a second wave of attacks that will either kill, or knock down again.
sparkle ball 2x buzzing pulse
3x spinta
3x yagurumaafter knockdown ends
3x buzzing pulse
3x spinta
3x yaguruma
enter final layer
leave, reenter
The One Who Came from Nothing
support use rattan basket
wait until after boss’s second attack
3x piena
3x buzzing pulse
4x yagurumaafter knockdown ends
3x piena
3x buzzing pulse
4x yaguruma
warp to kokoro
run to rooftop
run right to exit school building
talk to kokoro
warp to 2nd floor classroom
talk to uta
Chapter 8
warp to courtyard
warp to first floor classroom
second page
defense up effect +10%Fragment
(Should still have Trend Setter and A Premium Experience)
enter yuki’s heartscape
east door
east door
north door
Apathy Bones x2
support rattan basket
3x spinta
3x yaguruma
4x buzzing pulse
(before boss)
heal with rattan basket
Cyclops Thýella and Terror Entombed
2x piena Terror Entombed
sparkle ball 3x buzzing pulse
4 yagurumaafter he recovers from knockdown, have everyone attack to finish him off
enter final layer
rena hiori shiho (ao support)
Constellation Battles
TODO these don’t feel very optimal
rena can heal herself with hippocampe, otherwise courant marin
shiho should heal herself and hiori, otherwise yaguruma
hiori switch between piena and spintain truster battle focus on apathy bones first
(before boss)
heal with rattan basket
use curry on hioriParty
kokoro hiori shiho (ao support)
note: the targeting is dumb
after the left ad wakes up again, you need to reselect the boss (EVEN THOUGH the target is on him already)piena ad1, piena ad2
wait until after boss’s 2nd attack
sparkle ball, 3x buzzing pulse
4x yaguruma
spintaafter boss recovers from knockdown
3x spinta
3x buzzing pulse
3x yaguruma
Chapter 9
run to rena in courtyard, trigger cutscene
run to docks, trigger cutscene
warp to pool, run down left to trigger cutscene
warp to roof
warp to first floor classroom
1 teddy bear
if you’re missing heavy sand, go to yuki heartscape final layer. go backwards to layer 2, fight the truster
enter yuzu and lime’s heartscape
run to infirmary
enter yuzu and lime’s heartscape
run forward to clear cutscene
top right door
1 (Machinery) (happiness zone)
Happiness Zone Wraith
3x piena
sparkle ball 2x buzzing pulse
3x yagurumaafter knockdown
3x piena
4x buzzing pulse
4x yaguruma
leave and re-enter
top left door
Fear Zone Wraith
wait until after boss’s 2nd attack
sparkle ball 2x buzzing pulse
3x yaguruma
3x spintaafter knockdown
4x buzzing pulse
4x yaguruma
3x spinta
leave and re-enter
bottom right door
Anger Zone Wraith
sparkle ball 2x buzzing pulse
3x spinta
4x yagurumaafter knockdown
3x spinta
4x buzzing pulse
3x yaguruma
leave and re-enter
bottom left door
kokoro ao shiho (hiori support)
note: Ao has very fast attack animations, which is preferable for an enemy initiated infight
Sorrow Zone Wraith
ao infight
because the attacks are so fast, you need to alternate between counter and dodge, as they have a cooldown timer before they can be used again.after infight finish off boss
kokoro hiori shiho (ao support)
Animus Vulnera
sparkle ball 2x buzzing pulse
3x spinta
3x yagurumaafter knockdown
3x spinta
4x buzzing pulse
4x yagurumaspinta
buzzing pulse
warp to kokoro
warp to roof
Chapter 10
enter ao’s heartscape
pick up the objective marker fragments
enter uta’s heartscape
run to final layer
Safety Save
wait until after ads attack
3x piena (target boss)
sparkle ball 3x buzzing pulse
4x yaguruma (do this last so shiho breaks the final barrier)shiho infight
do finisherrest of fight:
buzzing pulse
warp to kokoro
kokoro date
talk to hinako
talk to uta
warp to kokoro
talk to yuki
warp to lime
talk to yuzu
warp to heartscape
Atlases Refight
sparkle ball 2x buzzing pulse
3x spinta
3x yagurumaafter knockdown
3x spinta
3x buzzing pulse
3x yagurumameme setup:
sparkle ball buzzing pulse
2x spinta
3x averse belier
Vois Refight
wait until after second attack
3x spinta
3x buzzing pulse
3x yagurumaafter knockdown
3x spinta
4x buzzing pulse
4x yagurumaafter second knockdown, have everyone attack to finish him off
Gale Creature Refight
sparkle ball 2x buzzing pulse
3x spinta
3x yagurumaafter knockdown
3x spinta
4x buzzing pulse
4x yaguruma
Naga Refight
sparkle ball 2x buzzing pulse
3x spinta
4x yaguruma
Corpus Vulnera Refight
3x piena
sparkle ball 2x buzzing pulse
3x yagurumaafter knockdown
3x piena
4x buzzing pulse
4x yagurumapiena
Tyrfing and Dyneslave Refight
2x piena (target left enemy)
2x buzzing pulse
2x yaguruma
2 more attacksinfight (shiho preferably, hiori is also fine)
do finisherwait until after right enemy’s charge attack
2x yaguruma
2x falcon shot
spintaafter he recovers from knockdown
2x yagruma
2x buzzing pulse
2x spinta
Spes Somnia
3x spinta
3x yaguruma
sparkle ball 2x buzzing pulseafter knockdown
3x spinta
4x buzzing pulse
4x yaguruma
Elaphe Refight
piena ad1, piena ad2
wait until after boss’s attacksparkle ball, 3x buzzing pulse
4x yaguruma
spintaafter boss recovers from knockdown
3x spinta
3x buzzing pulse
3x yaguruma
Animus Vulnera Refight
sparkle ball 2x buzzing pulse
hiori 3x spinta
shiho 3x yagurumaafter knockdown
3x spinta
4x buzzing pulse
4x yagurumaspinta
buzzing pulse
warp to crafting
craft origin gate
Final Chapter
enter origin route
rotate center 3 times
terminal 1
eastern ladder
Origin Route Fortress
sparkle ball 2x buzzing pulse
hiori 3x spinta
shiho 3x yagurumaafter knockdown
3x spinta
4x buzzing pulse
4x yaguruma
terminal 2
return to school
warp to roof
enter origin route
Origin Route Wraith
wait until after 2nd attack
sparkle ball 2x buzzing pulse
3x spinta
3x yagurumaafter knockdown
3x spinta
4x buzzing pulse
4x yaguruma
terminal 3
terminal 4
terminal 5
return to school
warp to roof
enter origin route
up the stairs
Origin Route Gibul
sparkle ball 2x buzzing pulse
hiori 3x spinta
shiho 3x yagurumaafter knockdown
3x spinta
4x buzzing pulse
4x yaguruma
heal with rattan basket
terminal 6
zipline cross over
lower section
terminal 7
jump up steps
sparkle ball 2x buzzing pulse
hiori 3x spinta
shiho 3x yagurumaafter knockdown
3x spinta
4x buzzing pulse
4x yaguruma
heal with rattan basket
terminal 8
sparkle ball 2x buzzing pulse
3x spinta
3x yagurumaafter knockdown
3x spinta
4x buzzing pulse
4x yaguruma
heal with rattan basket
enter the heart
Idea Res
sparkle ball 2x buzzing pulse
3x spinta
3x yagurumaafter knockdown
3x spinta
4x buzzing pulse
4x yaguruma2x spinta
buzzing pulse
(before final boss)
heal with rattan basket (if needed)Party
kokoro ao shiho (hiori support)Safety Save
enter final boss
- sandwiches and rattan baskets have health regen, so they will eventually full heal.
- for phase 1 and 2 it should be enough to heal people once and let the regen take care of the rest
if shiho is paralyzed, use coffee/tea
if someone else is paralyzed, shiho akebono
support use a sandwich on whoever took damageknockdown:
3x nál
sparkle ball 2x buzzing pulse
3x yaguruma (can do 4 safely)after knockdown:
3x nál
4x buzzing pulse
4x yaguruma2x nál
buzzing pulse
The One Who Desires the End
cure paralysis and heal similar to first round
wait until after 2nd attack
3x valvindr
3x buzzing pulse
3x yagurumasecond knockdown:
3x valvindr
3x buzzing pulse
3x yaguruma
2 more attacksafter knockdown:
3x valvindr
3x buzzing pulse
3x yaguruma
The One Who Severs Emotions
support rattan basket (will happen after boss attack)
wait until after boss’s first attack
- gist of this fight is to build up combo, and protect it with combo guard
- because you can’t knockdown this phase, just queue attacks after the boss’s attack, as the knockback slows him down
sparkle ball buzzing pulse
yagurumaforced infight:
he moves very fast, you have to alternate counter and dodge
The World
support rattan basket (will happen after boss attack)
make sure everyone is at full health. kokoro use a rattan basket if neededwait until after boss’s first attack
- similar to phase 3, queue attacks after the boss’s attack to slow them down
- you have to combo guard multiple times this round
- when you use combo guard, do not do any other attacks! knocking back the enemy would make combo guard run out before the attack happens
- after the attack keep up health with rattan baskets. you need to survive until yuki’s support boost (regen health).
- after that it’s easier, but you still need to watch your health before enemy attacks. try to have full health before the charged attacks
- akebono to cure slow when needed
final phase, mash circle
(run down left) talk to hinako
timing ends on the screen turning white when the credits start